Lucid Eye (177 products found)

Blades and Souls -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-AXEAxe Barbarian£7.00

LI-BARONBaron Mors£7.00

LI-BARROWThe Barrow Queen£7.50


LI-BLARE2Root Elf Blare 2£6.00

LI-BLARERoot Elf Blare 1£6.00


LI-BUGEYEDGOBLINS1Bug Eyed Goblins 1£7.50

LI-BUGEYEDGOBLINS2Bug Eyed Goblins 2£7.50

LI-BUGEYEDOVERSEERBug Eyed Goblin Overseer£4.50

LI-CELTWITCHCelt Witch£6.00

LI-CITYGUARDSCity Guards£6.50

LI-CLERICDungeon Adventurer Cleric£7.00

LI-COOTSCoot Swordsmen£7.50

LI-DBARBARIANDungeon Adventurer Barbarian £7.00

LI-DDEMONDigital Demon£6.00

LI-DGNOMEDungeon Adventurer Gnome £4.50

LI-DHALFORCDungeon Adventurer Half Orc£7.00

LI-DSPIDERSDungeon Spiders (6)£7.00

LI-DUNGEONEER1Dungeon Hireling 1£6.00

LI-DUNGEONEER2Dungeon Hireling 2£6.00

LI-Dwarf FighterDwarf Fighter£5.50

LI-ELFElf Dungeon Adventurer£7.00

LI-FIGHTER1Dungeon Adventurer Fighter 1£7.00

LI-FIGHTER2Dungeon Adventurer Fighter 2£7.00

LI-GAZEMONSTERGaze Monster£7.50

LI-GNOMEOWNERGnome Owner£3.50

LI-GNOMES1Red Cap Gnomes 1£5.00

LI-GNOMES2Red Cap Gnomes 2£5.00

LI-GOBLINCUBS2Hooded Goblin Cubs£9.00

LI-GOBLINCUBSGoblin Cubs£9.00

LI-HALFLINGDungeon Adventurer Hafling Thief£5.25

LI-HEPEREONHepereon the Unicorn£6.50

LI-HIRELING3Dungeon Hireling 3£6.00




LI-HOBGOBLINS4Hobgoblin Archers£12.00

LI-MOONINGPEASANT1Dulcima, Mooning Peasant 1£5.00

LI-MOONINGPEASANT2Widdle, Mooning Peasant 2£5.00




LI-ORCOrc Barbarian£7.00

LI-PIGCHIEFPig Faced Orc Chief£7.00

LI-PIGORCS1Pig Faced Orcs 1£12.00

LI-PIGORCS2Pig Faced Orcs 2£12.00


LI-RABBIT2Rabbit Fighter 2£6.00

LI-RABBITRabbit Fighter£6.00

Blades and Souls - (CONTINUED...)

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-ROOTBRIARS1Root Elf Briars£12.00

LI-ROOTBRIARS2Root Elf Briars 2£12.00

LI-ROOTFLEETTHORNSRoot Elf Fleet Thorns£12.00

LI-ROOTSENTRYRoot Elf Sentry£8.00

LI-ROOTSKYCLADS1Root Elf Skyclads 1£12.00

LI-ROOTSKYCLADS2Root Elf Skyclads 2£12.00

LI-ROOTTHORNSRoot Elf Thorns£12.00


LI-SATGUARDSSatyr Guards£10.00

LI-SATYRGUARDS2Satyr Guards 2£10.00


LI-STORMWIZARDStorm Wizard£7.00

LI-VAMPIREVampire Regent£7.50

LI-VELTZURTSVeltzurtz Hobogblin Chief£7.00


LI-WITCHFINDERWitch Finder£7.50

LI-WIZARDWizard Dungeon Adventurer£7.00

FitzPatrick -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-JIMF1Nuada The High King£12.00

LI-JIMF2Eriu, Goddess of Ireland£12.00

LI-JIMF3Balor of The Evil Eye£12.00



LI-JIMF6Jim FitzPatrick Official Collectible Miniature - ST. PATRICK£12.00

LI-JIMF7Breas The Beautiful£12.00

Frazetta -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-AgainstthegodsAgainst The Gods£12.00

LI-DeathdealerivDeath Dealer IV£12.00

LI-DeathdealervDeath Dealer V£16.00


LI-WomanwithscytheWoman with Scythe£14.00

Rome and the Wars of the Middle Sea -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

ConsulsRoman Consuls£6.00

CornicenCornicen & Standards£9.00

Hastatus 1Hastatus 1£9.00

Hastatus 2Hastatus 2£9.00

Hastatus 3Hastatus 3£9.00

Hastatus 4Hastatus 4£9.00

Hastatus 5Hastatus 5£9.00

Hastatus 6Hastatus 6£9.00

PhalangiteH1Phalangite High Pike 1£9.00

PhalangiteH2Phalangite High Pike 2£9.00

PhalangiteH3Phalangite High Pike 3£9.00

PhalangiteL1Phalangite Low Pike 1£9.00

PhalangiteL2Phalangite Low Pike 2£9.00

PhalangiteL3Phalangite Low Pike 3£9.00

PhalangiteM1Phalangite Mid Pike 1£9.00

PhalangiteM2Phalangite Mid Pike 2£9.00

PhalangiteM3Phlangite Mid Pike 3£9.00

Princeps 1Princeps 1£9.00

Princeps 2Princeps 2£9.00

Romancav1Roman Cavalry 1£9.00

Romancav2Roman Cavalry 2£9.00

Triarius 1Triarius 1£9.00

Triarius 2Triarius 2£9.00

Triarius 3Triarius 3£9.00

Triarius 4Triarius 4£9.00

Velite 1Velite 1£9.00

Velite 2Velite 2£9.00

Velite 3Velite 3£9.00

Velite 4Velite IV£9.00

Savage Core -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-AMA1Amazon Bods 1£7.50

LI-AMA2Amazon Bods 2£7.50

LI-AMABAmazon Boss Parite£4.50

LI-ATL1Atlantean Bods 1£7.50

LI-ATL2Atlantean Bods 2£7.50

LI-ATLBAtlantean Boss Vitus£4.50

LI-CRO1Cro Magnon Bods 1£7.50

LI-CRO2Cro Magnon Bods 2£7.50

LI-CROBCro Magnon Boss Valaki£4.50

LI-EXPLThe Lost Explorer£4.50

LI-HUNTLost Nazi Treasure Hunter£4.50

LI-JAG1Jaguar Tribe Bods 1£7.50

LI-JAG2Jaguar Tribe Bods 2£7.50

LI-JAGBJaguar Tribe Bosses Xachoti & Tupoc£4.50

LI-NEA1Neanderthal Bods 1£12.00

LI-NEA2Neanderthal Bods 2£12.00

LI-NEABNeanderthal Boss Bugnag£7.50

LI-SIM1Simian Bods 1£7.50

LI-SIM2Simian Bods 2£7.50

LI-SIMBSimian Boss Thinking Brow£4.50


Savage Core - Books

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

BP1869Savage Core 2 Rule Book£16.00

Savage Core - Age of Ice -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-AOIDECKThe Age of Ice Deck Expansion£12.00

LI-BAHLBahl The Cro Captain of The Atlantean Reavers£5.25

LI-CORE1Corelock Bods 1£7.50

LI-CORE2Corelock Bods 2£7.50

LI-COREBCorelock Boss Gog Maggolat The Maw£4.50

LI-IAA1Ice Age Amazons 1£7.50

LI-IAA2Age of Ice Amazons 2£7.50

LI-IAB001Atlantean Boss Krixos the Indomitable£4.50

LI-IAB002Ice Age Cro Magnon Boss Menhir Fivetusks£4.50

LI-IAB003Ice Age Jaguar Tribe Boss High Blood Priest Skull Cloud£4.50

LI-IAB004Ice Age Amazon Boss Seratra The Foundling£4.50

LI-IAB005Ice Age Neanderthal Boss Lame Getra Tribal Mother£4.50

LI-IAB006Ice Age Simian Boss Vim The Mad£4.50

LI-ID01Id Bods 1£7.50

LI-ID02Id Bods 2£7.50

LI-IDBOId Bogus Boss Bogusor£4.50

LI-OLDKINGOld King Vim£5.25

LI-PROJ1Projekt Sturm Command Leader Hoffman£4.50

LI-PROJ2Projekt Sturm Command Leader Roth£4.50

LI-STURM1Projekt Sturm Bods 1£7.50

LI-STURM2Projekt Sturm Bods 2£7.50

LI-VAHVahira The Herd Witch£5.25

Ziggurat -

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct PriceQuantity

LI-AMAQUEENAmazon War Queen£6.50

LI-AMAWARDAU1Amazon Wardaughters1£12.00

LI-AMAWARDAU2Amazon Wardaughters 2£12.00

LI-AMAWARDAU3Amazon Wardaughters 3£12.00

LI-AMAWARDAU4Amazon Wardaughters 4£12.00

LI-AMAWARMAmazon Warmother£6.50

LI-BEL2Fall of Bel Variant£6.50

LI-BELFall of Bel£6.50

LI-BRONZE1Bronze Phalanx of Heros£12.00

LI-BRONZE2Bronze Phalanx of Heros 2£12.00

LI-CRANOSCranos Cranekiller£5.25

LI-IXEONWild Ixeon The Centaur£8.50

LI-NEPHILIMGulial The Nephilim£10.00

LI-PERSEUSPerseus The Exile£6.50

LI-ROYALSONS2Royal Sons 2£12.00

LI-ROYALSONSRoyal Sons£12.00

LI-SEAKINGThe Sea People King£6.50

LI-SEAPEOPLES1The Sea Peoples 1£12.00

LI-SEAPEOPLES2The Sea Peoples 2£12.00

LI-SEAQUEENSea People Queen£6.50

LI-ZIG1Wings of Thanatos£6.50

LI-ZIG2Pale Pharaoh£6.50

LI-ZIG3Breath of Inana£6.50

LI-ZIG4Handmaid of Pallas Athene£6.50

LI-ZIG5Heros of Ares£6.50