BP1682 - SWORDPOINT To the Ends of the Earth

SWORDPOINT To the Ends of the Earth is a Campaign supplement for the SWORDPOINT Ancient & Medieval Wargames Rule set. It provides you with all the information you need to refight the Wars of Alexander and his Successors.

It includes 5 new army lists, 12 extended or tailored army lists and 10 scenarios.

Army Lists

Philip and the Rise of Macedon

Control of Greece

Securing the Borders

Alexander and the Great Persian Adventure

To the Ends of the Earth

Death of Alexander and the Successor Wars

Struggles for Greece

The Gallic Invasion of Greece and Asia Minor

Asia and Egypt: Ptolemy II and the Kingdom of Kush

Asia and Egypt: The Seleucid Empire Splinters... ... and Recovers

You require a copy of SWORDPOINT Ancient and Medieval Wargames Rules to use this book.

SWORDPOINT To the Ends of the Earth

Our Price: £17.00

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